Frequently asked questions

Things we've been asked in workshops about the Digital Maturity Assessment

Why did you choose these 17 competencies?

The competencies describe the important digital aspects of what makes a charity or not-for-profit work. All the competencies are described in more detail in the Digital Maturity Framework

I’m not a digital expert, how do I answer the questions?

When answering, choose the statement that is closest to your own impression of how things are in your organisation. Give the best answer you can, from your perspective.

In the assessment, you’ll see levels between one and five. Five is the highest level of digital maturity, one is the lowest. The combination of levels and the statement should help you make a decision about which one to choose.

Should I answer for me, or on behalf of the whole organisation?

We expect your answers to be coloured by your own experience.

The results will help to have conversations. It may be that different staff within an organisation will all rate a competency low, or high, or that there’s disagreement. Getting to the bottom of differences will be an important part in the process of building up a picture of what a more digitally mature organisation should look like.

Why are you asking for my name and email address?

Your email address and password are needed for your account. They also mean that you can get a confirmation email with your responses. The email will be a useful record.

In the process of analysis and reporting, your personal details will not be linked to your answers.

How will my answers be used?

If you complete the assessment as an individual, your results should help you get a clearer picture of where to concentrate your digital efforts.

If you’re completing the assessment along with colleagues, all of your completed assessments will be used to calculate an average rating for each of the competencies and for the digital maturity of your organisation. Those ratings can form the basis of follow-on work and help you to improve as an organisation.

Can I see my responses to the assessment?

Yes; once you submit your response you will see them on screen and receive them in an email too. If you’re completing the assessment with colleagues you’ll also be able to see averaged results for your organisation in the results section.