Digital maturity

Making the best use of digital technology and its associated culture and networks

Making the most of digital 

A digitally mature organisation is one that is making the best use of digital technology and its associated culture and networks in everything it does.

This means digital is part of the DNA of the organisation. Being digitally mature is different to digitising systems, processes, products and activities. 

Digital maturity is being fit for the world as it exists today, and for the people in it. 


The framework identifies seventeen competencies: the key aspects of digital maturity. It also describes five levels for each of these competencies.


How digitally mature is your organisation? The 17 digital competencies are evaluated on a level between 1 and 5 to produce the organisation’s digital maturity score using an online assessment.


For bespoke guidance and advice about measuring and improving your digital maturity, or for help using your digital maturity insights to build a digital strategy, get in touch.


Live graphs of the average results of everyone who’s taken the Digital Maturity Assessment.

Digital maturity

2197 people have taken the Digital Maturity Assessment so far. This is the average maturity of their organisations, based on all their scores.


Digital maturity by area

Average results from the Digital Maturity Assessment, broken down by area.

  • Attitudes and foundations 58% 58%
  • People, skills and processes 50% 50%
  • Systems and information 51% 51%
  • Outputs and experiences 55% 55%

Level 1 0-29% | Level 2 30-49% | Level 3 50-69% | Level 4 70-89% | Level 5 90-100%