Organisations around the world use the Digital Maturity Tool to test their digital maturity, and to develop a digital transformation strategy in order to become more digitally mature.As a digitally mature organisation, digital is ingrained in your DNA, going beyond systems to attitudes, people and outputs. This matters because it equips you for the world as it is today, and for how it will evolve tomorrow.
The Digital Maturity Tool measures, tracks, analyses and improves your organisation’s digital health across all the vital aspects.

It’s much easier to make the case for that investment if you can compare your organisation to others, set targets and show progress towards targets.
Digital Maturity Assessment is a digital maturity tool that does exactly that. Several thousand people have taken the assessment.
How the tool supports transformation
The Digital Maturity Assessment lets you plan, benchmark and record progress on your digital maturity journey.
Secures investment
Securing investment in technology is easier these days than it once was but securing investment in people and processes (skills, team development and project design) can be hard. When you can show how investment will increase the digital maturity of your organisation, you will more easily secure that investment.
“The Digital Maturity tool enabled me to win the investment for my digital strategy. I could show my boss areas where ratings are low and point to the parts of my investment plans which would help improve them.”
Karen Toftera, Head of Digital at CAFOD
Helps focus discussion about AI
Many organisations have “develop AI skills” in their plans. Digital Maturity Assessment can help identify what kinds of skills in which areas of an organisation’s work can be enhanced. It can also show how the organisation can optimise and learn.
Gives people a purpose
With tangible targets for their digital transformation work, team members feel more excited, enthusiastic and most importantly accountable. They can measure and track their progress using the results, inspiring change.
“When working with executive teams it helps me bring to life the progression an organisation can make towards a higher digital maturity.”
Julie Wilson-Dodd, New Reality Consulting
Exposes undiscovered problems
You may find that digital maturity competencies ratings vary between colleagues and teams who took the digital maturity assessment due to differences in their individual expertise, experience and need. This gives you invaluable insights into where alignment amongst your colleagues exists and where it’s lacking. Sometimes competencies have widely different ratings pointing to varied experiences across the organisation.
The tool highlights differences in results across teams as well as overall scores. A deep dive to understand the differences allows you to get to the bottom of what the actual issue is and design solutions.
Widens discussions to include people and process
Often organisations believe technological investment alone will lead to digital maturity. Assessment results show the business need for spending on staffing and skills to support technology.
“Thinking about digital maturity helps people see that in order to be an effective organisation in the digital age you need to look at a really broad range of things.”
Julie Wilson-Dodd, New Reality Consulting
Helps prioritisation and identifies quick fixes
Digital transformation programmes can be complex and can feel overwhelming. Combining the Digital Maturity Assessment with deep dives on your lowest-rated competencies can help you identify the weakest spots. You can then develop solutions to improve your digital maturity in the long and short term.
It allows you to identify and implement quick fixes early on in the process and show the value of transformation.
Enables clearer comms
The tool helps you overcome the challenge of communicating digital transformation clearly to the rest of your organisation. You’ll have a simple way to explain what’s happening, what needs to happen and what the outcomes will be. Your competency ratings are an easy-to-understand shorthand that set out where you’re at and where you’re going.
Tracks progress over time
Your digital maturity will change over time. The Digital Maturity Assessment tracks progress across time, highlighting exactly where things are improving, and where more work is needed.
The component parts
The tool consists of:
The Digital Maturity Framework: 17 core competencies for digital maturity grouped into four areas:
- Attitudes and Foundations: Culture, Leadership, Collaboration, Innovation, Budget
- People, Skills, and Processes: Capacity, Recruitment, Learning, Project Management
- Systems and Information: Technology, Data, Reporting, Insights
- Outputs and Experiences: Communication, Optimisation, Internal Systems, Service Delivery
The Digital Maturity Assessment: Staff are asked to evaluate the 17 digital competencies on a scale from 1 to 5. These scores are then used to generate your digital maturity scores against the framework.
Digital Maturity results: Data from the assessment is used to create averages, statistics, graphs and detailed breakdowns of your digital maturity results. These results can be segmented by team and across time as well as benchmarked against other organisations.
Read more
Read more about the Digital Maturity Assessment to understand how it helps organisations become digitally mature.
These definitions of key terms and concepts are designed to keep us all on the same page and ensure we have a shared vocabulary and common understanding of digital maturity.
Frequently asked questions
The answers to some questions we’ve been asked before.